VR-DigiJust Deliverable 2.6 - Agenfor International

VR-DigiJust Deliverable 2.6

VR-DigiJust Deliverable 2.6

The Regional DigiJust Vision is the result of the qualitative research component of the COPs developed within WP2 in the partner countries (Task 2.3).
The needs emerged during the COPs meetings have been analysed using hermeneutical methods (multi-actors content analysis) combined with policy documents at EU level, so that the different topics provided us with insights and perspectives from the different actors of the judicial environments with an EU view.
The outcomes of the empirical research have been presented in several e-Capsule Reports (D 2.5: “Models of integration and sequencing of diverse EU judicial tools within a single investigation with interregional links”) used as basis for the future training material in WP4.

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