LEGAL ASPECTS - Agenfor International




In this dossier Agenfor publishes researches, interviews and videos raising awareness on the importance of the Mediterranean as a strategic nomos for the International geopolitics.



Agenfor International Foundation is a not for profit network aiming to work in the over-lapping contexts of development, humanitarian crises and human rights. Our goal is to ensure Security through a better protection of human rights and  socio-political participation with a particular focus on minorities, prisoners and other vulnerable groups. We are active in the field of counter-radicalization with training courses and research activities addressing the needs of first-line practitioners from the public and private sectors all around Europe. We periodically plan proposals in the field of security, human rights and international cooperation to EU and other international funds with the support of an extended partnership that comprises all 28 EU countries, Switzerland and Turkey.



Achille Campagna is Senior Legal Researcher at Agenfor International. He is a Lawyer, specialised in complex cases concerning money laundering, corruption, public officers’ crimes, miscarriage of justice, racketeering and organised crime, with a focus on MLA cross-border justice, e-evidence/ICT-related matters, translations. Additionally, he leads-advises-litigates in cases for several domestic and international jurisdictions.



David Oddone is a professional journalist. He is the UN journalist for the Republic of San Marino and collaborates with UNRIC (United Nations Regional Information Center) for the diffusion of news of a high social nature and public interest. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences and a Master's degree on the phenomenon of bullying. Over the years, he won numerous national Antimafia awards. The most important are Borsellino Award; Piersanti Mattarella Award; Conselice Award for Press Freedom; Antimafia Award of the Ravenna sugar factory. He has published several books including "Mafie a San Marino" reviewed by the most important Italian national newspapers including Corriere della Sera and Sole 24 Ore and "Io non taccio", for Centoautori, on threatened journalism, which won the Mattarella prize and the Borsellino prize. He frequently holds conferences and participates in conferences on the subject of legality and anti-mafia. For years he has collaborated with the schools of Riccione, Fano and Bologna, teaching students elements of journalism and legality. He also participated in important TV broadcasts such as Exit on La7 and radio broadcasts on local and national networks analysing the theme of legality and Anti-Mafia.



Paola de Franceschi is an Italian Public Prosecutor. For 25 years she has served at the Public Prosecutor Offices of the cities of Catanzaro, Padua and Udine. From April 2016 to September 2020 she was also Member of the District Council for the Judiciary and President of the Committee for Equal Gender Opportunities. She holds a Degree in Law from the University of Padua, a Teaching Degree in Law and Economy and a Master's degree in Law, Economy and Politics from the European Communities at the European College of Parma. In 1987, she also achieved the lawyer license. As a Prosecutor, she has been dealing with various types of infringements of criminal law such as: murders, robberies, assaults, exploitation of prostitution, drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, smuggling of migrants, sexual abuses and abuses against minors, cybercrimes and child pornography; organized criminal groups aimed to perpetrate the above mentioned crimes; racketeering, extortions, and mafia organised criminal associations.



Scuola Superiore per interpreti e Traduttori  Piazza Stazione, 1 50100 FI    Laurea specialistica di Interprete e Traduttrice Inglese e Tedesco (LS). University degree of Simultaneous and Written Translation in German and English International Law and Economics;  Written, Consecutive and Simultaneous Translation in English and German. 01/09/00 -31/01/01 Forum per I Problemi della Pace e della Guerra  Via G.P. Orsini 44 – 50126 FI Master in Law: The European Union – final report: “Europol: a new European Police Force” Relevant professional activities: From July 2017  I am in charge of International Judicial Cooperation Office  at the Prosecutor’s Office of Florence (Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Firenze) European Investigation Orders and MLA requests. Translation of legal documents or requests in general coming to the Prosecutor’s Office. I have been previously (for one year and half as support to the Exchange Programme for  Italian Judges at the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura – Scandicci (I) Participation as contributor fellow to seminars and conferences at the Department of Law and the Robert Schumann Centre of The European Institute in Fiesole (Italy Transnational Global Governance Programme and Migration Programme) – Support to the EJTN Contact of Florence for the Organization of exchange visits for Judges and Prosecutors. Participation as main contributor or advisory board to the following Projects:;; Activities and experience in the field of human rights: I have worked at the Cabinet of the President of the Province of Florence – Dott- Barducci – International Department- and Secretary of an International Association dealing with Human Rights: EUAP Euro-African Partnership Association.