PARTNERS & COLLABORATIONS - Agenfor International



The Agenfor International Foundation, a body recognised by the Italian Ministry of Home Affairs through the Prefecture of Milan, has numerous inter-institutional agreements that implement the European model of multi-agency cooperation between the public and private sectors in the fields of Justice and Security.

Among others, Agenfor has strong collaborations with: The Ministry of Justice in Rome; the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Padua, Venice, Rimini, Florence, Trento, Trieste, and Bari; the Department of Prison Administration-Triveneto; the Rimini Bar Association; the National Criminal Chambers; the Venice Court of Appeal; the Venice Court of Supervision; the Directorate of Anti-Mafia Investigation (DIA) of Trieste and Padua; the Local Police of Venice and Milan; and the General Command of the Carabinieri Corps in Rome.


  • The Ministry of Home Affairs


  •  SYNYO GmbH
  • The University of Innsbruck


  •  Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Instituut voor Gerechtelijke Opleiding – Institut de Formation Judiciaire


  •  The Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)
  • The European Institute

Czech Republic:

  • The Czech Technical University (C-VUT)


  • ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy
  • Chambre Nationale des Commissaires de Justice
  • École nationale de la magistrature
  • The European Expertise and Expert Institute
  • The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission


  • The University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Legal Affairs in Bavaria (BAY-FHVR)
  • The Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung in Bremen


  • The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA)
  • CERTH – Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • DBC – diadikasia
  • The European Public Law Organization
  • The National Commission for Human Rights


  • A Buon Diritto Onlus
  • ActionAid Italy
  • CeSI – Centro Studi Internazionali
  • CESIE – Centro Studi e Iniziative Europeo
  • COREIS – Comunità Religiosa Islamica Italiana
  • ENGINEERING – Ingegneria Informatica S.P.A.
  • Fondazione Albero della Vita Onlus
  • ICT LEGAL CONSULTING – Studio Legale Associato Balboni Bolognini & Partners
  • RISSC – Research Centre on Security and Crime
  • The Ministry of Justice
  • The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Bari
  • The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Florence
  • The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Padua
  • The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rimini
  • The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Trento
  • The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Trieste
  • The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Venice
  • The Rimini Bar Association
  • The National Criminal Chambers
  • The Venice Court of Appeal
  • The Venice Court of Supervision
  • The Directorate of Anti-Mafia Investigation (DIA) of Padua
  • The Directorate of Anti-Mafia Investigation (DIA) of Trieste
  • The Local Police of Milan
  • The Local Police of Venice
  • The General Command of the Carabinieri Corps in Rome


  • Latvian Prison Administration


  • The University of Malta


  • The General Police Inspectorate


  • IPS – Innovative Prison Systems


  • The Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR)
  • National Administration of Penitentiaries
  • European Strategies Consulting S.R.L.
  • The Higher Council of the Judiciary


  • The Institute of Cooperative Security Studies
  • The University of Maribor
  • The Ministry of Home Affairs
  • The Post of Slovenia


  • The Elcano Royal Institute (RIE)
  • Universidad de Granada
  • The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies (FUNDEA)

The Netherlands:

  • The Netherlands Helsinki Committee

United Kingdom:

  • CENTRIC – Sheffield Hallam University
  • The West Yorkshire Combined Authority