Lucía G. del Moral - Agenfor International

Lucía G. del Moral


Researcher and Project Officer


Lucía G. del Moral is a researcher and project officer at the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies of Granada. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of International Studies at the University of Loyola Andalucía. She is member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Forum for Research in the Arab and Muslim World- FIMAM. Lucía is Ph.D. candidate in Social Sciences and she holds a MA in Development Cooperation, Public Management and NGOs; a BA in Political Science and Public Administration; and a BA in Law. She has conducted research and fieldwork in political parties and social movements in North Africa. Also, she has experience in cooperation projects on political participation and migration in Morocco. She was a research assistant at the University of Granada and she was visiting researcher at stays at the University of Exeter, La Sapienza di Roma, Mohammed V Rabat, Harvard University, Central European University of Budapest and the University of Wroclaw.