STAND-UP - Agenfor International



Standing Up against Hate in the EU

The STAND-UP Project aims to fill the gaps identified at the European level as lack of clear definitions of hate crime, structured frameworks on hate crime reporting, recording, data sharing and resources. The end of the project is to ensure that no under-or unnecessary overlaps exist in complementary multi-agency efforts to address hate-related phenomena through reporting, investigation, prosecution and prevention, all framed within a victim-centred approach. For that, Stand-Up will establish mechanisms for public authority-led, multi-agency and multi-dimensional action against hate crime, discrimination and intolerance.

The STAND-UP Project’s main objective is to improve cooperation between different organizations in the fight against hate crimes through the design, development and implementation of a new inter-institutional model led by public authorities.

The members of the Consortium are the Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale Ordinario di Trento -Italy, and counts in its consortium with the National Commission for Human Rights- Ethniki Epitropi gia ta Dikaiomata tou Anthropou – Greece; Fundación Euroárabe de Altos Estudios -Spain ; European Public Law Organization – Greece; Fondazione Agenfor International – Italy ; Association des Agences de la Democratie Local – France. Grant Agreement No: 101059432.