White Book on CVEs - Agenfor International

White Book on CVEs


“White Book on CVEs”, edited by Elodie Regue from the European Organisation for Security, is a collection of 17 policy papers that map current European preventing and countering violent extremism strategies (P/CVEs) developed at transational and national level. It aims to guide multi-layered stakeholders through the topic of P/CVE, firstly providing an analysis of the state of the art of P/CVE practices in Europe, secondly advising on best practices and key topics in the field, and finally examining national strategies.

The content of this publication is the result of the research activity carried out within the H2020 project MINDb4ACT, which finalised in August 2020. Agenfor International was part of the project consortium, leading the training activity and carrying out interventions in the Italian penitentiary system. As a result of this cooperation, two articles have been edited by Nicoletta Gallori, Senior Researcher, Project Manager and Trainer at Agenfor International. The first article, titled “Ethical & Societal Dimension of CVE policies in Europe” concerns the highly depated topic of ethics and data protection in preventive actions. The second text draws upon an analysis of the Italian strategy applied to prevent and counter violent extremism at national level.